Termination or Cancelation


To cancel a  program,

A: Paid in full (Pre-pay) program, the patient must pay in full for services provided by Functional Medicine SF (Services include but are not limited to appointment time spent with M.D./D.O., appointment time spent with Health Coach, time spent by M.D./D.O, researching your case (please see Functional Medicine SF Policy: Office Charge) at the rate of $500 per hour for M.D./D.O. and $175 per hour for health coaching used, and a $250 early termination fee. All requests for program cancellation must be submitted in writing to support@functionalmedicinesf.com

B: Payment Plan :the patient must pay in full for services provided by Functional Medicine SF (Services include but not limited to appointment time spent with M.D./D.O., appointment time spent with Health Coach, time spent by M.D./D.O, researching your case (please see Functional Medicine SF Policy: Office Charge) at the rate of $500 per hour for M.D./D.O. and $175 per hour, and a $250 early termination fee. All requests for program cancellation must be submitted in writing to support@functionalmedicinesf.com at least 10 days in advance of the requested cancellation date. Once we have received all funds for services provided and completed your request for cancellation the next scheduled monthly charge and all those that were to follow will be cancelled.