Protecting Yourself and Your Loved Ones During Uncertain Times

Dear Patients,

I will be hosting a Live Group Zoom Q&A this upcoming Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at 4:30 PM,  Join URL: (Copy and paste into a browser) the recording to be made available soon thereafter. The topic will be on “Protecting Yourself and Your Loved Ones During Uncertain Times.”

This live Q&A is open to all patients and your loved ones (friends & family).  Please feel free to join via video or leave your camera off. By joining us, you are acknowledging that this is a public event that will be recorded, but your identity does not need to be shared unless you choose for it to be. Join us to learn, to ask your questions or just to be a part of the community, even if it is virtual. 

Please note I will be speaking broadly and will be unable to answer anything pertinent to your specific case, but look forward to seeing as many of you as possible and welcome appointment requests if you have pressing concerns about your own health journey.

I hope you’re all doing well nearing the end of our first week of this new normal and are finding the blessings in having a home, sunshine, and the opportunity to take a step back and downshift aspects of your life as you are able. There are many people working hard to address all of the new concerns and challenges this unprecedented pandemic is presenting us with, while we take things day by day in the unfolding of this evolving phenomenon.

Stay healthy, stay cozy and get outside for some Vitamin N (nature) this weekend if you can (while practicing social distancing). It’s going to be ok.

Dr. Daniel

Don’t forget to download our New Patient Portal Application:

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